Today’s post comes from LMS contributer Adam Carr. Adam is a recent UC Berkeley graduate and social media intern living in Berkeley, California. In his perfect world, Wonka-vision would exist.
Soufflés always reminds me of that episode of… what’s that? I already did a post introduction mentioning a childhood TV show? Crap…. Alright, starting over.
A soufflé is rather daunting in nature. It’s basically dessert on steroids, since soon after it leaves the oven/gym/clubhouse it will lose its fluffiness/gained muscle/home run hitting abilities. When making Souffled Strawberry Jam Omelets, your breakfast/brunch/dessert will taste delicious, regardless of whether or not it sinks.
I followed the recipe expecting the best. I beat the egg whites until they had soft peaks, mixed in the superfine sugar and egg yolk, buttered the pan, added strawberry jam, and watched my babies rise in the oven… only to see them collapse like the U.S. economy. What’s that? Too soon? Alright… only to see them collapse like an… equally fragile soufflé.
A light brunch dish created from these simple ingredients.
My first batch came out flat, but that didn’t stop me from devouring them.
How could this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this sunken soufflé? I was distraught. Then I took a bite and was no longer upset, for these souffléed omelets were still scrumptious.
A day or two passed, and I mustered up the courage to try this again. As you may have noticed from this post, I give myself a lot of second chances. Heck, even Michael Jordan was cut from his high school varsity basketball team, and he went on to be the greatest basketball player of all time (growing seven inches didn’t hurt him).
I retraced my steps. Where could I have gone wrong? I wish I had found the answer to that query, but it mattered not. My soufflés emerged from the oven light and fluffy as advertised (and seen at the beginning of this post).
I emerge from this experience with a couple of tips. In my first trial I sprinkled too much sugar on the baking sheet. It created a thin layer of burnt sugar that, once scraped up, provided a thin, crunchy topping. Also, this tastes great with a little bit of lemon juice drizzled on top. The next time I try this I plan to experiment with different jams, perhaps blueberry or kiwi. If you have any suggestions, please comment. I’d love to see what you guys come up with.
Recipe by Marcia Kiesel, as published in Food & Wine Magazine.
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This post is part of a series featuring recipes from the FOOD & WINE archive. As a FOOD & WINE Blogger Correspondent, I was chosen to do four recipes a week from FOOD & WINE. I received a subscription to FOOD & WINE for my participation.
This recipe is brought to you by LICK MY SPOON