Top 10 Posts of 2009featured
Happy New Year, everyone!
What an incredible year it has been. New discoveries, lots of laughs, hard work and hustling, travels, engagements! My heart is so full of happiness when I think of all the wonderful people in my life, including all of you out there 🙂 Thank you for finding my musings interesting, and thank you for all of your support as I chug along in this little dream of mine.
So, before we hurtle head first into 2010 (which will, without a doubt, be an epic year), I wanted to take a little stroll through memory lane. Without further ado, I present to you, Lick My Spoon’s Top 10 Posts of 2009…

Banana Boats
1. Banana Boats (May 27, 2009) – I had no idea such a sweet, simple, nostalgic dessert would garner such a huge response. This was by far the most popular post of last year. Goes to show, sometimes, less is more.

NYT Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie
2. The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie (June 10, 2009) – I’m not sure how you can look at this and not immediately crave a gooey chocolate chip cookie hot out of the oven. Thanks again to David Leite for revealing the secret to this classic American icon of crunchy, chewy, gooey perfection.

Cannibal Pizza (Pizza Nostra, San Francisco, CA)
3. Pizza Nostra: Potrero’s Newest Darling (April 8, 2009) – Mmm remember this hussy of a pizza. Oh yeah…she floored us that night, and left us with that lusty, satiated, glow in our eyes that could only come from the very finest pizza binge.

Get that camera outta my face, I’m trying to eat some cheese fries here.
(State Line Diner, Mahwah, NJ)
4. State Line Diner: What it means to be from Jerz (January 8, 2009) – Getting back to my roots. There’s no love like the love I have for NJ diners. In this post, Stephen teaches us how to eat cheese fries.

Death By Chocolate (Photo Credit: Daniela Edburg)
5. Best of Fancy Food Show 2009: Chocolate Edition (January 23, 2009) – After sampling an obscene number of chocolates at the Fancy Food Show, I compiled a list of chocolates so divine, inspired, and brilliant, you must try them to know what chocolate is capable of.

Gong Hay Fat Choy!
6. Chinese New Year Dinner (January 25, 2009) – Our favorite party of 2009! We went all out and prepared a Lucky Feast of a dozen items, each with a symbolic meaning.

Big Wong Restaurant (Chinatown, New York, NY)
7. Big Wong, Chinatown, NY (March 10, 2009). This is one of my “happy places” in life. I’ve been going here since I was a toddler and nothing has changed. The roast duck is still the best in Chinatown, the congee is still the best remedy on a cold winter’s day, and the waiters are still the loudest on Mott Street.

Hog Island Oyster Farm (Marshall, CA)
Photo Credit: Ali La Raia
8. Hog Island Oyster Orgy (July 22, 2009) – My most highly recommended day trip from SF…”X” marks the spot at the Hog Island Oyster Farm, where the jewels you’ll find are the sweetest, most succulent oysters harvested from the pristine waters of Tomales Bay. And, they are an absolute steal (buy by the dozen, 50, or 100).

Dude’s Night: Cooking 101
9. Dude’s Night, Cooking 101 (June 28, 2009) – We taught these techie/start up guys how to feed themselves…and how to make a special meal for the laaaaadies.

Saigon Street Food: amazing snails in District 1
10. Saigon Street Food (November 5, 2009) – A glimpse into the fresh and vibrant street food we sampled in Vietnam. Seriously, some of the most delicious food I have ever tasted, all created, literally, on the street over makeshift “stoves” and grills.
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