Root Beer Float Ice Creamfeatured
This Root Beer Float Ice Cream is like summertime nostalgia captured into creamy dreamy form. It brings to mind images of hot summer days with the sound of children playing in the sprinklers, and warm summer nights spent outside with grass tickling your feet. It makes me think of making ice cream floats as a kid, pouring the fizzy soda over a heaping scoop of vanilla ice cream, watching the foam rise, and inevitably making a deliciously sticky mess on the kitchen counter.
When McCormick asked if I wanted to come up with a recipe using their Root Beer Extract, I knew exactly what I wanted to make: an ice cream that encapsulated all the delight of a root beer float.
When you think of it, root beer itself is such a distinctly American flavor. It’s hard to pinpoint what root beer tastes like – it’s sweet and woodsy, with hints of warm spices, vanilla, and molasses.
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Roasted Beet Hummusfeatured
Well, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve had the chance to post a new recipe up here. Pardon me! It has been a crazy few months full of fun projects, including a steady stream of photo work and some recipe testing for Bar Tartine’s new upcoming cookbook (more on that in the months to come, trust me, it’s going to be totally fresh and unique).
I’ve finally come up for some air and have just the recipe to make it up to you! I’ve had this Roasted Beet Hummus in my back pocket for ages. (Sorry for holding out on you.) You are going to fall in love with it.
A single roasted beet brings an unexpected va-va-voom to your ordinary hummus. Rich, velvety, earthy, and sweet. And that color. Hello, gorgeous! This is a party-perfect dip. It is so easy and utterly impressive. Seriously, people will flip out.
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Scenes from Mercado Central de San Pedrofeatured
Markets are the heart of a place. The sights and sounds, the smells, the tastes. You can feel the heartbeat of a place and the people who live there when you go to a local market. When we arrived in Cusco, the first place we tracked down was the bustling local market, Mercado Central de San Pedro.
We were rewarded with stalls literally overflowing with vibrant and exotic fruit, all the freshly squeezed juice I could dream of, and a peek into the everyday life of local Peruvians. We saw stacks on stacks of Andean cheeses, slabs of alpaca jerky, bins spilling over with quinoa, and more types of corn than I’ve ever seen.
The women working at the market were remarkable too. Women of all ages, busy selling their wares, cooking, gossiping, even butchering and handling all sorts of offal without the slightest sense of trepidation. Strong, hardworking, and fearless these Peruvian women are.
Come, take a stroll through the market with me and see for yourself!
Warning: some images from the offal aisle are pretty graphic, so avert your eyes if animal parts make you queasy. You gotta hand it to them though, they really use every part of the animal!
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Peru Food and Travel Guide: Cuscofeatured
I’m back from 15 days of traveling throughout Peru and I am still reeling from what an incredibly diverse country it is. From breathtaking mountains to pristine lakes, from vibrant cities to a desert oasis…we experienced it all! While planning for this trip, I gathered lots of recos from friends and friends of friends who have either traveled or lived in Peru. I feel so lucky to have gleaned these gems from my team of Peruvian experts, so I thought it would only be right to pay it forward.
This guide includes travel tips, good places to stay, and of course, since all my itineraries in life typically center on what/where to eat, if you’re looking for eating recos, I’ve got you covered (claro)!
View Map: Lick My Spoon: Cusco
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