Persimmon Tart with Streusel + John Besh’s Cooking From the Heart {Giveaway}featured
Persimmons…or as my husband adorably calls them “per-cinnamons.”
I have to admit, I was pretty unfamiliar with persimmons before moving to San Francisco. But apparently this city knows them well and loves them even more because they are everywhere. They are stacked so high in the stalls at the market, they are literally rolling into the street.
I’ve mostly seen two different types of persimmons. Hachiya persimmons have a darker, reddish orange skin, and have a round shape like an apple. These are the kind of persimmons that need to be fully ripened and soft before eating (or else they taste unpleasantly astringent).
Fuyu persimmons on the other hand, are a lighter orange color, and are shaped like squat tomatoes. They can be eaten both firm and soft. When they’re firm, the flesh is crunchy – great for shaving into salads or sandwiches – and when they’re soft, I like to eat them all by themselves.
I recently received a copy of chef John Besh’s new book, Cooking from the Heart a beautiful 308-page hardcover filled to the brim with glossy photos, memories and tales of cooking (and life) lessons, and step-by-step instructional photos. I first met chef Besh last year in New Orleans and still remember how gracious he was.
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Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Arancini with Balsamic Glazefeatured
I just can’t resist that gorgeous fuchsia hue of beets. It’s the perfect pink, I think. It’s not demure, or babyish. It’s outspoken. Assertive. Confident.
I also happen to love the sweet, earthy flavor of beets. So when I saw that beets were one of the four ingredients I had to work with for McCormick’s Go 4 Gourmet campaign I was, well, tickled (pink).
The other three ingredients? Crushed rosemary, balsamic vinegar, and Arborio rice.
As soon as the rice came into the picture, I knew what I had to do. Arancini! You all know I love me some cheese-stuffed, breaded and fried rice balls. I fell in love with the real thing in Sicily. I’ve made them NOLA style with jambalaya before. And now, I’m going to turn them pink! Bright, show-stopping, pink.
I’ve turned other things pink before with great success. My favorite beet pasta gets it done by incorporating a roasted beet puree, so that’s where I’ll start.
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Best Green Smoothie Ever (Vegan + Gluten-Free)featured
October is a big month for us. It’s when Hua and I celebrate our anniversary <3, and it’s birthday month for the both of us. I suppose that’s why it always ends up being a big goal-setting and reflecting time of year. October resolutions are our thing.
Most recently, we’ve decided to make a few little changes in our daily habits in order to achieve a few goals that always seem to loom over our heads…mainly getting into better shape, and being more productive. So, we’ve committed to getting up earlier in order to get a quick run in before starting the day. Just 2 miles. Nothing crazy. Nothing daunting. Just a little jumpstart. (We’ve also adopted the motto of “Something is better than nothing.” Decidedly anti-overachieving, but effective I must say.)
To go along with the new healthy habits, I’ve been really into making green smoothies for our post-run breakfast.
This latest one I am obsessed with. Sweet, creamy, and nutty, it is the best green smoothie I’ve had yet. It almost tastes too good to be good for you. Oh, but it is. Vitamins, protein, omega-3s, phytonutrients, fiber…it’s enough to make you feel downright self-congratulatory as you drink it.
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High Five Fridays: 5 Things To Make For Your Breaking Bad Partyfeatured
Blue meth candy, alcohol, fried chicken…the makings of any great party.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been binge-watching Breaking Bad in preparation for the season finale (and Last Episode Ever!) on Sunday. If you’re planning on having yourself a viewing party, show your guests how obsessive you are and make these five things happen:
- Los Pollos Hermanos Fried Chicken. Los Pollos is the obvious choice for a Breaking Bad themed dinner. This Extra Crispy Spicy Fried Chicken, based off of Popeye’s, sounds like the perfect recipe to fit the bill. Dipping sauce? It’s gotta be Franch. Bonus points if you serve the chicken in a Los Pollos bag.
- Guacamole and Chili P Con Queso. This should have the snack department covered. You should make the guac tableside at the most inopportune moment possible (don’t actually do this). And don’t forget a liberal sprinkling of Chili P on the chile con queso! It’s the secret ingredient.
- Schraderbrau Beer. These handy printable labels (courtesy of Brownie Bites) will transform your favorite beer into Hank’s homebrew in no time. This one’s for you, buddy.
- Blue Crystal Margaritas. Booze up on the blue stuff. Also, brilliant tip about storing it in an ice cream maker.
- TREAT YO SELF: Heisenberg’s Blue Meth Candy. And of course, no Breaking Bad party would be complete without some Blue Sky — 99.1% PURE GLASS, BITCH!