Top 10 Posts of 2009featured
Happy New Year, everyone!
What an incredible year it has been. New discoveries, lots of laughs, hard work and hustling, travels, engagements! My heart is so full of happiness when I think of all the wonderful people in my life, including all of you out there 🙂 Thank you for finding my musings interesting, and thank you for all of your support as I chug along in this little dream of mine.
So, before we hurtle head first into 2010 (which will, without a doubt, be an epic year), I wanted to take a little stroll through memory lane. Without further ado, I present to you, Lick My Spoon’s Top 10 Posts of 2009…
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Residual Christmas Cheerfeatured
Now, I realize that my timing may be off on this. Christmas has come and gone, and if you’re like me, you are in detox mode from indulging over the holidays. But, if I may…I’d like to offer up some residual Christmas cheer.
I made these festive cookie jars this holiday season after seeing them on Brown Eyed Baker’s list of homemade food gift ideas. Number 2 on her list is Bakerella’s Homemade Cookie Mix (Be forewarned, if you have a sweet tooth, enter this site at your own risk. You will be dazzled by the goodies she whips up!).
At the Brown Eyed Baker’s wise counsel, I turned Bakerella’s Cowgirl Cookie Jars into the most adorable Christmas Cookie Jars. I lucked out and found 2 cases of canning jars on Craigslist, hit up Walgreens for some glitzy tinsel, and got my arts-and-crafts on.
I wasn’t going to blog about this, since it seemed as if I had missed the sleigh on timeliness, but the feedback I got after giving these has been amazing! Everyone is clamoring for the recipe. Not only are these pretty, thoughtful, and homemade gifts…they are really delicious. Don’t take it from me though.
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Bagel Express (Purveyor of Happiness)featured
I was going to take a little holiday respite from blogging while I was home on the East coast but Holy Christmas, this was just too good to keep to myself. Not an hour back in Jerz, straight off the red-eye, and I was walking blurry-eyed into one of my favorite places in the world: a NJ bagel shop.
This bagel shop in particular (Bagel Express) is relatively new to the hood, my dad tells me, but it has quickly risen the ranks to Favorite status, and fufills all the Jersey Bagel Shop requisites:
- Everyone knows everyone’s name. The regulars all come in busting chops and the bagel guys dish out the banter alongside the shmear.
- At least two cops come in while you wait for your bagel to toast.
- Every other person on line looks and sounds like they stepped right out of The Sopranos.
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Brussels Sprouts Two Waysfeatured
I’m a late bloomer when it comes to Brussels sprouts love. It’s not that I hated the stuff (as I was always told I should), I just never had it before. Then I moved to SF two years ago and with the coming of my first Thanksgiving here, was flooded with recipes by adoring fooderati who worshipped the sprout with the bad rap.
I don’t really get why Brussels sprouts got such a reputation to begin with. They seem harmless enough. Cute in fact. And if you happen to see them on the stalk still, those bright green clusters are downright gorgeous. Looks aside, they are tasty!
My intro to Brussels sprouts adoration started off nice and easy, with generous bits of bacon or pancetta added to grease the wheel. More recently however, I have witnessed two distinctive preparations of this fascinatingly polarizing vegetable.
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