Thank you from the bottom of my pot / Foodbuzz Blogger Festivalfeatured
Remember when I was all jazzed about the Foodbuzz Blog Awards?
Well thanks to you beautiful people, LMS took home 2 awards (“Best New Blog” & “Blogger Who Should Have Their Foodie Life Made into a Movie”) last weekend!!!
So excited to be among some very talented folks. Check out the full list of award winners and feast your eyes on some tasty content.
Photo Credits: Upper right photo by Sabrina Garibian, Rhodeygirl Tests; Lower left photo by Joanne Boston, Taking Over the World One Bite at a Time
The Foodbuzz Blogger Festival dinner and award ceremony took place at the Greenleaf Produce warehouse. What a cool location to host an incredible family-style dinner for 250.
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Saigon Street Foodfeatured
Hellooooo lovers, I’m baaack! Thank you for all the well wishes while I was on hiatus – it’s nice to be home 🙂 (and back on the interwebs).
As most of you know, I’ve been eating myself silly the past 15 days — I know, what’s new. But no, this has been a really special kind of silly. The eating-my-way-through Vietnam kind of silly!
Well, to be more specific, not quite all of Vietnam, since an unexpected detour to Hong Kong for a roundtrip price of $150 proved too tempting to pass up, but for sure, through a majority of Hồ Chà Minh City (a.k.a. Saigon). Don’t worry, you’ll hear all about HK feasting as well, all in due time. First things first though…Viet Eats! Wooop wooop!!
There is a good reason why even hardened eaters like Anthony Bourdain have fallen so in love with the cuisine of Vietnam. It’s fresh, vibrant, varied, and satisfying without feeling gluttonously heavy.
And, most often, it is cooked on the spot, right before your eyes, on the street, by someone who has been making that one particular dish over and over, for years, decades, quite possibly, generations.
Since Hua’s father and uncles are locals, we had the benefit of zipping about on the back of their motorbikes (amongst the unimaginable number of other motorbikes on the road), being led by the nose to some of the most delicious food I have ever tasted.
That’s a big statement, I know, but I stand by it. These local favorites are something special. Purveyors of food so good, so exciting, so complex in flavor yet simple in execution, I ate like I was starved (which is absurd because I don’t think I once felt the sensation of “hunger” the entire trip). I now pass this joy to you. Go seek these places/dishes out…
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Don’t Panic, I’ll be back soon!featured
Hua and I are heading to VIETNAM for 15 days!!!! So…I meant to be good and have all these wonderful posts lined up to entertain you while I’m off eating my face off in Viet….alas…life has been nuts, with moving to a new apt, getting my shite together for the trip, and….getting ENGAGED! eeheeeheeehee 🙂 yes…i’m officially betrothed!! SO…no posts until November, but not to worry, they will be FULL OF AMAZING FOOD AND FUN so get excited!
*dancing on air*
Roasted Beet Inspiration from Pasta Sfogliafeatured
When I saw this gorgeous dish of Farro Spaghetti, Beets, Brown Butter, and Poppy Seeds featured on Grub Street New York a few weeks ago, it was so beautiful it hurt my heart a little.
A recipe from Pasta Sfoglia, a new cookbook by Ron Suhanosky and Colleen Marnell-Suhanosky (owners of the acclaimed Italian restaurant Sfoglia, with locations in NY and Nantucket), this dish is striking with its ruby red stain and specks of poppy seeds.
The book explains that beets, together with poppy seeds, are typical in dishes of the northern Italian regions of Friuli and Alto Adige. While the combination sounds wonderful – really, I can’t wait to try the recipe word for word – I didn’t have poppy seeds on hand and I wasn’t ready to commit to all that butter for a simple weeknight meal. Oh yes, and then there was that pesky aversion to goat cheese I have. (I know, first the butter, now this? Please hold the hate mail, I do love flavor, I promise you.)
And so, the bastardization of Pasta Sfoglia’s recipe began.
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