LMS Nominated for Best New Food Blog!featured
Some exciting news 🙂 Lick My Spoon has been nominated for 2 categories in the first annual Foodbuzz Blog Awards!
LMS is making a run for the Best New Blog title! (…and flattered that anyone would want to see my life up on the silver screen. Hmmm open casting call for an Asian Anne Hathaway?)
ROCK THE VOTE – voting ends Thursday October 29th, 2009.
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16th Annual Shuck & Swallow Oyster Challengefeatured
As featured in Bay Area Bites, October 7, 2009.
155 oysters, 10 minutes, 1 stomach of steel…that’s what it takes to be the reigning champ of McCormick & Kuleto’s 16th Annual Shuck & Swallow Oyster Challenge.
That’s right, Team Farallon took down 155 oysters with Ryan Seamus shucking at the speed of light, and Aaron Young showcasing his perfected method of swallowing and spitting.
Young divulged that his secret to success was in keeping a glass of Muscadet wine by his side to rinse out and refresh his palate over the course of downing an absurd number of oysters. He claimed that the acidity of the wine helped to wash out the taste and keep his eye on the prize.
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Soup Seasonfeatured
It’s turning to that time of year now when the sun starts setting earlier and the walks home from work are getting brisk. For me, nothing is more comforting when the chill is in the air than a steaming bowl of homemade soup.
Soup is one of those dishes that just I don’t think to make for some reason, but when I do, I’m always reminded that I need to do so more often.
The beauty of soup is the flexibility you have when making one. You can make it an elaborate affair with homemade stocks, pureeing, sieving, and garnishing (a la Thomas Keller in one of my all time favorite recipes, Butternut Squash Soup with Brown Butter, Sage, and Nutmeg Crème Fraiche), or you can go super simple.
On a busy weeknight, I have to shelve my Bouchon cookbook in exchange for simple and quick, but that doesn’t mean I have to skimp on flavor! Here are a few of my favorites that I’ve been turning to lately…
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BlogHer Food ’09featured
As featured in Bay Area Bites, September 28, 2009.
Founded in 2005, BlogHer’s mission is to create opportunities for women who blog to pursue exposure, education, community and economic empowerment. Today, it reaches more than 15 million women each month via a Web hub with a listing of over 22,000 blogs by women (ranging from topics on politics, news, and technology, to food, health and family), a publishing network of more than 2500 blog affiliates, and annual conferences like the inaugural BlogHer Food ’09 which took place Saturday, September 26th.
I felt giddy as a school girl as I ran my finger down the list of speakers lined up:
David Lebovitz, David Lebovitz: Living the Sweet Life in Paris Diane Cu and Todd Porter, White on Rice Couple Elise Bauer, Simply Recipes Heidi Swanson, 101 Cookbooks Helen Dujardin, Tartelette Jaden Hair, Steamy Kitchen Matt Armendariz, Matt Bites Pim Techamuanvivit, Chez Pim/Menu for Hope Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman Cooks …among others.
These are the blogs I turned to for inspiration and guidance when I first decided to create my own. These are the people I looked to and thought, yes, that is what I want to do! To carve out a little space of my own, building my own story with each scrap of experience, word, or crumb I shared with the world.
As I sat amongst 300 fellow food writers/bloggers, rapt with attention as our blog crushes talked about the trials and tribulations, joys and inspirations of food blogging, I felt a wonderful sense of community. Regardless of where we were from, what we liked to write about, how long we’ve been at it, we had at least one thing in common…food. And the inexplicable need to talk about it.
And talk we did.
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