SF Chefs Food Arts Industry Day with William Werner, Evan Rich, and Dominique Crenn: Secrets Revealedfeatured
This year, SF Chefs featured their first ever Industry Day, sponsored by Food Arts.
The first demo of the day, entitled “How Did You Do That?” featured three of San Francisco’s most imaginative chefs: William Werner from Craftsman & Wolves, Evan Rich from Rich Table, and Dominique Crenn from Atelier Crenn. These chefs create dishes that really do have you murmuring in awe, “How DID they do that?” and today was the day our burning questions would be answered.
First up, how on earth does William Werner get that runny egg inside The Rebel Within? For those unfamiliar, The Rebel Within is Werner’s brilliant concoction of a soft boiled egg nestled inside a savory cake flecked with Easton’s breakfast sausage from Boccalone, scallions, asiago and parmigiano. [Chef’s Note: “It is not a muffin, people, it’s a savory cake…baked in a muffin tin.”]
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Dr. T’s Secret Spice Rub: An Interview with My Brotherfeatured
This is the spice rub that got me stopped at airport security yesterday after visiting my parents in New Jersey.
“Excuse me, miss, we’re going to have to take a look in your bag.”
The security checkpoint guy reached deep into my carry-on and pulled out the one pound container of spice rub that I had crammed in there.
I sheepishly explained, “It’s my brother’s spice rub. He won’t give me the recipe, so I have to stock up when I can.” My security guy gave a chuckle. “That’s funny, but I still gotta test it, ok?”
He proceeded to pour a little bit out onto a test strip and did some sort of chemical analysis. If only he could tell me what was in that rub, we could nip this whole thing in the bud.
After confirming that the mystery mixture I was smuggling didn’t contain any methamphetamines, the guy affirmed, “It smells good. It smells REALLY good.”
Tell me something I don’t already know, mister.
While it kills me that I don’t have a recipe for Terence’s Secret Spice Rub, I did manage to squeeze a few answers out of him. Here’s what big bro had to say:
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High Five Fridays: Just Cool It…with these Frozen Treatsfeatured
As the country gets engulfed in a massive fireball – except for San Francisco, of course, where Karl the Fog has shrouded us from the inferno – we’re going off the rails a bit for this High Five Friday and rather than your normal well-balanced meal plan, you’re getting 100% frozen treats. Because that is all anyone wants to eat right now.
It’s too hot to cook. It’s too hot to turn on that oven. Really, it’s too hot to do anything but gaze outside from an air-conditioned room with a cool treat in your hand. So here’s to keeping our cool this week:
- Frozen Key Lime Pie. Sweet, tart, refreshing, and with the consistency of soft frozen custard, this icebox key lime pie is prime for summer entertaining.
- Strawberry Balsamic Ice Cream. A touch of balsamic vinegar brings out the sweetness of ripe strawberries. Best of all, you don’t need an ice cream maker to make this treat.
- Wendy’s Copycat Frosty. Thick enough to eat with a spoon. Or dip your French fries in. Or am I the only weirdo who does this…
- Fig, Vanilla, and Sour Cream Popsicles. We all know how I feel about frozen figs, so I can’t wait to try this treat! Check out the video tutorial too. Looks super easy and beautiful too.
- TREAT YO SELF: Gin and Tonic Sorbetto. This needs to happen stat. How else is a girl supposed to keep her G&T cold in these conditions?
Baked French Toast with Peaches and Crumb Toppingfeatured
Your brunch game is about to sky rocket.
This peach-stuffed, crumb-topped, baked French toast is everything you ever wanted in a summer brunch dish. It’s like the most decadent, peachy keen French toast you’ve ever had…wrapped in a crumb cake. And best of all, you can make it all ahead of time, which means stress-free entertaining.
Perfect, ripe, summer peaches are the inspiration for this French toast. The markets are exploding with peaches of all kinds, and I’m compulsively buying them like nobody’s business. I mean, just look at these beauties. How could anyone resist? They look like summer, smell like honey, and taste like golden California sunshine.
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