Tastiest Highlights of 2010featured
Wow, can’t believe it is the New Year already! What a crazy ride 2010 was. I had my first encounters with being on air, being in the air, and being in a cookbook. I ate ice cream with Jerry (yes, that Jerry), cooked with a legend, discovered Spam Masubi, and delighted in the earthly pleasures created by San Francisco’s finest chefs. It was a busy busy year, full of hard work, hustling, dreaming, getting married (!), and of course, eating 🙂 As we ring in 2011, let’s take one last look at some of 2010’s tastiest moments:
1. Butternut Squash Soup with Gingerbread and Brown Butter — One of my favorite recipes of the year, if the comfort of sitting by the fire on a snowy day could be transformed into a dish, this would be it. Roasted butternut squash pureed to velvety perfection and caressed by warm sage notes, paired with a deep, dark, sticky square of thick gingerbread bread and a drizzle of browned butter. Heaven.
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Ho Ho Ho!featured
Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!
What a flurry of activity it’s been – let me catch you up. As some of you already know, Hua’s job has relocated us to Washington, DC. So…this holiday season, I may have left my heart in San Francisco, but I am excited to be starting a new chapter in our nation’s capital (don’t worry, I’ve been watching lots of West Wing in preparation of this big move, so I’m all set).
Does this mean I won’t be writing about our fair City by the Bay any longer? Don’t fret my pets. True, I won’t be able to cover every amazing food event there anymore, but you can still expect lots of posts on the SF restaurant binge I went on prior to leaving. Actually, it appears I have pleeeeenty of back logged material on SF to draw from to last me well into the next few years I fear.
In any case, life has been a whirlwind of packing, unpacking, getting the flu (apparently my body is revolting against the change in coasts), and giving my husband said flu. Once the dust settles and I’m able to dig myself out of the mountain of moving boxes I see before me, I have a treat for you! We made a pit stop by New Orleans on our way back East, and boy did we eat our faces off. Beignets, Po Boys, Shrimp n Grits, Bacon Pralines….all coming soon, my darlings!
Until then, wishing you all Peace & Love, and Eggnog! Xo
Roasted Brussels Sprout Chips with Lemon and Parmigianofeatured
Are all the Christmas cookies and sweets making you crave a little ruffage? All the rich holiday dinners and party food causing your body to beg for some wholesome veggies? Brussels sprouts to the rescue.
The inspiration for this recipe comes from Marlowe. Chef Jennifer Puccio’s Crispy Brussels Sprout Chips with Meyer Lemon and Sea Salt were love at first sight. She separates the individual leaves of the Brussels sprouts, then flash-fries them to a delicate, light crisp. A spray of lemon juice, fragrant Meyer lemon zest, and sprinkle of sea salt are all that’s needed to brighten up these “chips.”
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Friday Freebie: BTTR Mushroom Gardenfeatured
This homegrown Mushroom Garden kit from BTTR caught my fancy so much I featured it in this year’s Foodie Gift Guide.Edible mushroom science experiment in a box. A sure crowd pleaser. (Not unlike this other gift in a box). OK, maybe not quite as sensational. But still really fun.
What really sells this gift item though is the inspiring story behind it. Two young entrepreneurs who gave up corporate jobs to create an eco-conscious, 100% sustainable urban mushroom farm in Berkeley which diverts, oh, 10,000 pounds of used coffee grounds from Peet’s Coffee & Tea per week. This massive amount of would-be waste is then used to produce 500 pounds of fresh oyster mushrooms per week. After the mushrooms have gone through about 4 harvest cycles, the remaining roots turn the grounds into nutrient-rich compost, which is then donated to 10 urban school and community gardens. Pretty phenomenal, huh?
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