TV Debut!featured
Some exciting news…last Friday, Leslie Sbrocco, host of the new food and wine segment on KQED 9’s This Week in Northern California (you may also know her from Check, Please! Bay Area), invited me and another Bay Area Bites blogger, Thy Tran, to chat with her about celebrating the food and traditions of the Lunar New Year.
We chatted about dumplings, more dumplings, traditions, and fun facts about SF’s Chinese New Year Parade. Enjoy the clip!
Poco Dolce Giveawayfeatured
Not off my toffee kick yet! Poco Dolce brings a grown-up spin on the classic treat with flavors that are sophisticated and exceptional.
Their Toffee Square Sampler is comprised of four different flavors, each hand-cut into one inch squares and coated in bittersweet chocolate: Sea Salt, Burnt Caramel, Super Chile, and Double Shot Toffee.
Maybe it’s the glutton in me, but I love a good sampler. Because, really, life is too short to pick just one.
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Pork and Shrimp Dumplings (Jiao Zi)featured
The 15 day celebration of Chinese New Year (or Lunar New Year, as many Asian cultures refer to it) comes to a close this weekend, and with it, so does my dumpling stash. Resembling little purses stuffed with riches, it is tradition to eat plenty of dumplings during this time because they symbolize prosperity. The more you eat, the more wealth and good fortune will come your way in the New Year. (Maybe I should save a batch to eat right before I do my taxes this year).
Dumplings are a bit of a time commitment to make, but if you can manage to enlist the help of a few friends, it’ll go by in a flash, and you’ll all be rewarded with more homemade dumplings than you can eat in one sitting.
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Brandini Toffee Giveawayfeatured
Brandini Toffee tastes like it was made by your sweet little grandma-ma…buttery, comforting, and chock full of love. All true, except for the grandma-ma part. Quite the opposite in fact, the company was started by (then) high school freshmen, Brandon Weimer and Leah Post, in order to raise money for a school trip to Italy.
As you can tell from this photo of the young entrepreneurs at the Trevi Fountain in Rome, they reached their goal! One bite of their decadent confections and you’ll understand why.
Generously thick toffee that crumbles into the perfect texture, a smooth layer of rich dark chocolate, and a sprinkling of roasted almonds…
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