Chewy Sugar Cookiesfeatured
Every year I have grand plans of being super on top of things, with homemade gifts at the ready for friends and family, holiday cards done and mailed well in advance, and nothing to do but admire twinkle lights and watch Love Actually and Elf on a repeat loop. I dream of a stress-free holiday, where I throw festive dinner parties during which I have done all my prep ahead of time so I’m showered and primped for guests instead of frenzied and a little sweaty. I fantasize about making beautifully wrapped presents with things like DIY pom poms and handcrafted gift tags.
Alas, a girl can dream.
This year, I was able to accomplish a fraction of these things, all while frantically getting my last minute travel plans together…to PERU!!! That’s right, friends! As we speak, I am in the land of ceviche and pisco sours. I’ll be headed up to Machu Picchu in a few short days, and then can’t wait to cook and eat and shop with a fellow food blogger in Lima, the lovely Morena of Peru Delights! I have also already made the delightful discovery that alpacas are indeed my spirit animal.
So, I’ll be going dark until the new year. But before I go, I wanted to leave you with this classic sugar cookie recipe. I love it because not only does it give you a delightfully chewy sugar cookie (which is rare), it is so simple and absolutely no fuss. You can whip this up in the midst of holiday craziness no problemo – no electric mixer needed, you don’t even need to have softened butter ready (because, let’s be real, who has time to plan ahead for things like softened butter this time of year).
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Caramel Apple Hot Toddyfeatured
Brrrrrrr! It is chilly out there. This San Francisco cold spell has made me realize exactly how soft I’ve gotten living out here when it comes to winter weather (…as I see pics of snow drifts and frozen windshields back East).
Not to worry, though. I have just the thing to warm you right up! This Caramel Apple Hot Toddy will do the trick quite nicely. Imagine a caramel apple. Liquify it, liqueur it up, and get it warm and toasty. That’s right, you now have the perfect boozy winter beverage for those mittened hands of yours.
This hot toddy is super simple too – just apple cider spiked with Applejack brandy (which by the way is a product of New Jersey! Like me! And diners!), and infused with cinnamon sticks, cardamom, and cloves. As if this isn’t delicious enough as is, we then bring on the salted caramel. Oh hell yes.
Warm, sweet, buttery, and full of Christmas spices, this hot toddy is sure to get you in the holiday spirit.
Merry Merry!!!
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Malted Vanilla Ice Cream {Giveaway}featured
I’m all for ice creams with creative mix-ins, textures, and interesting flavor combinations, but sometimes you just want old fashioned, classic vanilla. This Malted Vanilla Bean Ice Cream takes that sentiment to new levels of nostalgia. For me, it is the ultimate vanilla ice cream.
The malt gives you that Happy Days, poodle-skirt wearing, soda fountain-loving feeling. And the deep vanilla flavor and pretty speckles of vanilla bean make this ice cream a dreamy luxury.
I rarely crave regular vanilla ice cream, but this malted vanilla? That’s another story. You’ll see. This is the perfect ice cream for pie, for drizzling salted caramel over, and for milkshakes! Oooh, I love a good vanilla malt milkshake!
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Roasted Persimmons with Mushrooms and Kalefeatured
Sometimes it’s as if a recipe is destined for this blog. It all started with a feast at Flour + Water that Foodie put together for some local SF bloggers (Thanks, Foodie!). We were bombarded with all the pizza and pasta and deliciousness one could dream of…but of all the dishes, it was a veggie side dish that stole my heart: roasted persimmon with hen of the woods mushrooms and kale.
First of all, roasted persimmons?! What was this sorcery?
I don’t know why I’ve never thought of roasting persimmons before, not to mention using it in a savory dish! It’s brilliant. I guess that’s why they pay CTMcNaughton the big bucks.
The persimmons get a beautiful, concentrated, sweet caramelized flavor, and the roasted mushrooms are the perfect earthy, autumnal counter to it. The kale makes you feel self-congratulatingly good about yourself (that is the point of kale, right?). And the hit of lemon juice gives it all the perfect amount of acidity – don’t omit it, it really works some magic here balancing out the sweetness of the persimmons.
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