The Country Pancake Housefeatured
If you’ve ever been to Ridgewood, NJ, you know what a picturesque, quaint little town it is.
Its main street is lined with boutique shops, an old movie theater, and a small town gem called The Country Pancake House, famous for its 90 flavors of pancakes. And these aren’t any ordinary pancakes. They are huuuuuge. The size of your face. No, bigger.

The Country Pancake House, Ridgewood, NJ
Michele and I have been coming here since high school. The Pancake House is our special place. Maybe it’s because we’re such good food sharers (we can always agree on the top two dishes to split), and due to the gargantuan portions, sharing is a must here. Or maybe it’s because the complimentary Chocolate Chip Corn Bread is so freakin’ good.

Chocolate Chip Corn Bread
Whatever the reason is, we love this spot, and it only made sense to come here to catch up and celebrate her birthday over some monster pancakes and decadent waffles while I was home for a visit.
With 90 flavors to choose from, I always have a tough time deciding what I want.

so. many. pancakes.
Did I want Strawberry and Chocolate Chip Pancakes (#90)? Or Swedish Pancakes with Lingonberries(#57)? The Maine Delicacy, Whole Grain and Blueberry Pancakes (#21) sounded healthy and fresh. But in the end, I wanted something savory…and not so healthy…and the Crisp Bacon and Cheddar Cheese Pancakes (#66) were calling my name. For $7.95 I got two oversized pancakes. Literally, one order could feed me for 3-4 meals.
I’ve really been loving the savory pancakes lately. I actually discovered this bacon-cheddar combo in The Joy of Cooking one morning while I was searching for a standard Buttermilk Pancake recipe. I learned early on that making pancakes from scratch is a breeze, and haven’t bought the boxed stuff in years. Try it! I bet you have all the ingredients in your kitchen already, and there is nothing like homemade pancakes on a lazy Sunday morning.
When I make this recipe I like to use pancetta bits. The kind I get from Costco is already petit diced and ready to throw in the frying pan to turn into crispy porky goodness.
Since I had savory covered, Shell went with the sweet: a Peanut Butter Waffle with Bananas on top. Mmmmm…
As life gets more complicated with each passing year, I’m thankful that some things stay the same. True friends is one. The Country Pancake House is another.

The Country Pancake House, Home of the Hearty
140 E Ridgewood Ave
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
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